
There is simply no better way to observe the fairy circles than soaring silently over millions of circles in a Hot Air Balloon. Whether you are high up in he sky, or hovering 2 meters above the circles seeing every little beetle track, the bird-eye’s view gives you he perfect perspective to observe the mystery of he fairy circles.

Ballooning is conducted from Kwessiegat and Jagkop areas, which can probably be labelled the epicenter of Fairy Circle land… You soar off before sunrise, so wake up-call at Wolwedans is in the early morning hours. You transfer by car to he launch site which takes about 45-50 minutes. A Campagne breakfast will be served at the landing spot. Returning to Wolwedans will be a scenic naure drive and you arrive back at he lodge in the late morning and latest in time for lunch and a well deserved siesta.

Ballooning can be booked ad hoc whilst staying at Wolwedans. If you want a guaranteed ‘seat in the basket’, it is advised to make a booking together with you accommodation booking. Occasionally, winds prevent a launch, so it is advised to book Ballooning on the first morning. In case of a weather related cancellation, there will always be a second chance. In case ballooning can’t happen at all, a 90% refund is ensured.